You are in: Findings
The findings of each of the workshops organized by the JCN project partners are presented in the following four papers:
1) “Common Understanding of Terms and Definitions on the topic of high risk offenders and transition management”.
English version - Deutsche Fassung - Suomenkielinen versio - Eestikeelne versioon
2) “Similarities and Differences in Transnational Transition Management Strategies in four EU Member States”.
English version - Deutsche Fassung - Suomenkielinen versio - Eestikeelne versioon
3) “Best Practice for dealing with high risk offenders and for the desired continuity of treatment as well as for transition management”.
English version - Deutsche Fassung - Suomenkielinen versio - Eestikeelne versioon
4) “Development of minimum standards and best practice model"
English version - Deutsche Fassung - Suomenkielinen versio - Eestikeelne versioon - Version française
The Reports on each of the Workshops are also available.